Asymmetric Festoon, Invisible Blepharoplasty, Patient 1
This woman had a severe festoon of her right lower eyelid and eyelid bags Lehigh Valley on both sides (ectropions). Dr. Bunin performed her specialized festoon repair on the right side and ectropion repair, lower eyelid invisible bleparoplasty, and laser resurfacing. Here she is two weeks after surgery, (note: pinkness fades in a few weeks).
Lower Eyelid Surgery and Festoons, Patient 2
This lady disliked her lower eyelid bags and cheek bags (festoons). Dr. Bunin has developed a special baggy eyelid treatment to address these conditions involving elevating the cheek, tightening the lids, removing the eyelid bags Allentown, PA, and shrinking the skin with laser that is very effective and has no scar under the eye! Here she is a few months after her surgery.
Baggy Eyelids, Festoons and Vitiligo, Patient 3

This patient had festoons, baggy eyelids (upper and lower), and vitilgo. Dr Bunin used her specialized surgery to treat her festoons, did invisible blepharoplasty, and laser resurfacing to treat her. Here she is before and three weeks after baggy eyelid surgery Allentown. Her lids and cheeks look younger and smoother, (note: pinkness fades in a few weeks).
Severe Festoons and Baggy Lids, Patient 4
This woman was bothered by severe festoons and baggy eyelids. She heard about Dr. Bunin’s special technique to fix festoons and came to see her. Dr Bunin used her specialized surgery to treat her festoons, tighten her lids, did invisible blepharoplasty and laser resurfacing. She also fixed her droopy, baggy upper lids (ptosis and blepharoplasty). Here she is before and two months after surgery.
Baggy Upper/Lower Eyelids, Laser Resurfacing & Festoons, Patient 5

This patient had trouble seeing out of her droopy baggy upper lids, and was unhappy with her baggy hanging lower lids and cheeks (festoons). Dr Bunin used her specialized surgery to treat her festoons, did invisible blepharoplasty, and laser resurfacing to treat her. Dr. Bunin also fixed her droopy baggy upper lids (ptosis and blepharoplasty). Here she is before and one month after surgery. Her lids and cheeks look younger and smoother and she can see better!
Thyroid Eyelid Retraction Surgery, Patient 6

Patient before procedure and 2 months afterward.
Thyroid disease can make the eyes bulge and even cause the eyelids to open too widely (lid retraction). Here Dr. Bunin did a release of the upper eyelids to give a more normal lid height and appearance.
Baggy Eyelids (Upper/Lower), Laser Resurfacing & Festoons, Patient 7

Before and three weeks after surgery.
This patient had severe baggy lower eyelids and festoons, and severe droopy, baggy upper eyelids. Dr Bunin used her specialized surgery to treat her festoons, did invisible blepharoplasty, and laser resurfacing to treat her lower eyelids, and did ptosis and blepharoplasty on her upper eyelids. Her lids and cheeks look younger and smoother, (note: pinkness fades in a few weeks).
Asymmetric Festoons with Bells Palsy and Blepharospasm, Patient 8
This gentleman had a history of Bell’s palsy and blepharospasm on the left side of his face. Dr Bunin used her specialized surgery to treat his festoons, tighten his eyelids, did invisible blepharoplasty and laser resurfacing to treat him. Here he is before and three months after and two years after surgery.
Invisible Blepharoplasty, Eyelid Correction, & Festoons, Patient 9
Ectropion, Festoons, and Ptosis, Patient 10